This Disclaimer is applicable to any use of any part of the web services of I-Media-Cities.
Please read this Disclaimer, the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy carefully, before starting to use any of the I-Media-Cities web services.
While we are proud of the services we provide to the world and try to make them reliable and useful, we make no promises about them. All web services are certain to fail some of the time. We adapt and change our services from time to time, so you may find that something that worked for you may cease to work. We may also stop supplying any service, temporarily or permanently or block access to our services to anyone for any reason.
If you need some guarantee of a particular service level, then please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss whether we could offer you a commercial version of any of our services (assuming one is not available).
We encourage the use of one of the open data commons licences but we cannot give any warranty that they will work in the way expected or should be used for any specific purpose. If in doubt, you should take your own legal advice.