i-media-cities is the result of an ambitious and innovative research project, funded by the European Union. It was a collaboration between 9 film archives, 6 research institutions, 2 large digital expert centers and an expert in business models, with the aim to develop a new platform that provides access to historically unique digital films and photos of European cities.
The goals of the project were to discover new approaches to perform research on this digital content, improving overall accessibility of European cultural heritage, and stimulating collaborations between archives and researchers.
i-media-cities strived to be a cross-border, cross-language platform for the study of the history and urban development of large EU cities through large media collections, which were previously not accessible. It also stimulated the study of the history of media through the way they depicted urban spaces
The project started in april 2016 and lasted for three years, at the end of which this platform was born. i-media-cities is currently operated by a Consortium of 11 film archives and research partners.
If you represent an archive or a museum that would like to add your content to the platform, get in touch with us, or click here for more information.
Access to Project Results
You can find all the information about the project, the project results (including public deliverables and documents, as well as all publications) on the CORDIS website of the European Union.
Interested in accessing the open source software of the project? Please check out our Gitlab-page. The software of I-Media-Cities is published under an MIT license.
If you would like to acess and receive a download of some of the metadatasets that have an open license, please contact the I-Media-Cities team with that request here. They will get back to you within 5 working days.