Welcome ...

i-media-cities is a platform that lets you watch and interact with unique historical films and images of cities from the collections of renowned European film archives


Take a citytrip through history!

click on a city to start.

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Ever been to a virtual exhibition?

Visit specially reated virtual 3D exhibitions on a wide variety of subjects, created by experts from the collaborating films archives. Find out all about it through the video, or start your visit below.


Research Environment


i media cities has a special environment for scientific researchers that want to work on cultural heritage film collections. You will find specific tools and functionalities that were developed in collaboration with academic researchers, and can access all films and images.


State-of-the-art digital technology

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Linked Open data

The platform uses a linked data structure and has integrated several open solutions, such as a wikidata search engine for keywords.

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Open Source Software

The software developed for i media cities is open source and available for reuse.


Artificial intelligence

i media cities uses several AI tools, which let computers automatically analyse the films and images.